I am currently DMing two D&D 5e campaigns.
I was wondering of some good ways to start off a campaign and explain to the players that their characters have, essentially, no knowledge of the in-game world. For example, if we took a look from their characters' perspectives, often times, their characters should know a significant amount of the world around them (especially if they are pretty old). Cities, towns, monsters, who lives where, etc. But how I have been managing it so far is I have to narrate everything to the players, and they have to learn the lore of the world on their own. Sometimes I can let them have Religion or History checks etc., but for the most part they don't know anything of the world and this seems like a fail in immersion in my opinion. If a player asked me how I would explain that their character didn't know about XXX or YYY in my game world, I would be pretty stumped. One of the only ways I thought of was to have all characters start off in some land, then at the beginning of the game, ship them to some other world/continent, but this can quickly get boring.
Any ideas to solve this problem, even if it isn't at the start of a campaign, would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance.