Background: I will be DM of an upcoming gaming session. I and the players are all new to D&D or roleplaying. This will be our first session (and unfortunately there are no other gaming groups in our area that we can join).
For running this first gaming session, since we are all noobs, I thought of using a one-shot adventure - for which I selected "A Most Potent Brew" from Winghorn Press. I am trying to read up on the rules and at least get a basic handle to run the session.
One of the things generally mentioned in these adventures goes something along the lines of
Spotting the rats before then requires a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check from adventurers in the room.
I understand DC 10 is the difficulty class that the players will have to roll the dice and beat. (DC 10 being 'Easy' as per the table 'Typical Difficulty Classes' given in Player Handbook).
However, what does the Wisdom (Perception) mean?
Once they roll a d20, should they be adding Perception skill modifier? What is the significance of Wisdom?