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11 votes
2 answers

Preventing automatically failed saving throws on a natural 1

I am looking for ways for a character to become immune to the (5%) chance of automatically failing a saving throw because of a natural one on the d20 roll. Aside from the Knight class at level 17 You ...
Baktak's user avatar
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Is there an official variant rule where a natural 1 ends a full attack action?

In many 3.5 games that I have played, a roll of a natural one on an attack roll is basically just a miss, but you cannot make any more attacks that round. I thought this was an official variant rule, ...
InterstellarProbe's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

What effects do critical and fumble tables have on D&D 3.5?

Just getting some extra damage, and just missing, seem pretty boring. A lot of people like to spruce things up by having critical hits and natural-1 fumbles result in a roll on a special table, which ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Looking for an alternative to my DM's favorite fumble table

I've been playing in a new D&D 3.5 game for a few weeks, and it's going pretty well, with one major exception. The DM is a huge fan of critical hits and critical fumbles, and he has found the ...
Thom Smith's user avatar
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57 votes
12 answers

Is a fumble on a natural 1 an official rule?

I am currently a player in a D&D 3.5 game where rolling a 1 on any attack roll is not only an automatic miss, but also means that something "bad" happens – such as dropping your sword, falling ...
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