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Questions tagged [dnd-becmi]

For questions about BECMI D&D. BECMI stands for Basic, Expert, Companion, Masters, and Immortals, and refers to Frank Mentzer's 1983 Basic Dungeons & Dragons boxed sets of those names (and the Rules Cyclopedia combo thereof).

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70 votes
8 answers

What are the differences between Holmes, Moldvay, and Mentzer D&D?

What are the differences between Holmes, Moldvay, and Mentzer D&D? Also, which one came first?
Ry St's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Are there rules for increasing ability scores after character creation in Basic D&D?

Are there any rules (house or otherwise) for increasing ability scores after character creation in Basic D&D or any of its retro clones? (Other than magic items or wishes.) When we generated ...
Discord's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

In early D&D, why would chainmail ever be preferred over plate armor?

In early D&D, both chainmail and plate armor were considered metal armor, and to slow the wearer to 60' per turn. Chainmail cost 40gp, and plate armor 60gp. Their encumbrance was 400 or 500 coins ...
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