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Does the Stirge blood drain allow it to flank as well?

I am playing a Beast Master ranger with a stirge animal companion. I know that once a stirge is attached to an enemy, it doesn't need to use its action or anything; Blood Drain's damage is passive/...
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Does the UA revised ranger's companion keep its skill bonuses?

In the September 2016 Unearthed Arcana The Ranger, Revised, it says: Your companion uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. The ape, for example, has a +5 bonus to Athletics and +3 to ...
Apocalisp's user avatar
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Animal Companion advancement option?

I rolled a Cavalier as a random class in a Skulls and Shackles game for a little extra excitement. Being a masochist I decided to roll with it, but took more than a couple optional rules/variants in ...
lithas's user avatar
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Does the animal provided by the Wild Cohort feat count as an Animal Companion?

Feat in question: Wild Cohort [General] Benefit: You gain an animal cohort. The animal cohort is generally friendly to you and is willing to follow you and adventure with you. If given proper ...
Ruut's user avatar
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