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18 votes
3 answers

What happens if a Paladin has a crisis of faith?

We have a long-running D&D 5e game in which there is a Paladin who worships a god invented by the Kuo-toa. Per the Monster Manual: Kuo-toa worship gods of their own insane creation, but if enough ...
BprDM's user avatar
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Do Forgotten Realms paladins have to follow a deity?

As can be seen in this question, with the relevant quote from the Players Handbook: Player's Handbook, page 82: Although many paladins are devoted to gods of good, a paladin’s power comes as much ...
JohnP's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is a Sarenrae Paladin who threatens and coerces teammates into following a code of honor, in violation of that code of honor? [closed]

Our party is going through a Kingmaker-type campaign and is currently made of: One splendid half-orc, ex Gladiator, CN and pretty friendly Two twins tieflings, a CN Rogue-Sorcerer and a CN Rogue-Bard,...
Nyakouai's user avatar
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Should a paladin's alignment align with the alignment of their deity?

I gave one of my players a handout of the major Gods in Faerûn as I am running Storm King's Thunder pretty soon. My player wants to be a Chaotic good paladin and is not interested in any of the ...
Boldemort's user avatar
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2 answers

Religion in Forgotten Realms - praying to other race's god

I play dwarven paladin sworn to Haela Brightaxe (dwarven goddess of war luck). Now, our party is travelling and there are no dwarven settlements, we encounter human ones instead. So, obviously, there ...
Forseti's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

Are paladins required to follow a god?

One of my players just submitted a character sheet for a paladin who doesn't follow or worship any god. This seemed strange to me, but looking at the Player's Handbook, the only relevant line I could ...
AgentPaper's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to create Blackguard of Pelor?

We're just starting a campaign, and a player wants to create a very distinct character... a Pelor's Blackguard. Yes, a PELOR Blackguard. Is that possible to create Blackguard that follows Pelor in 4e? ...
Zarkos's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

D&D 4th Edition deities - more than just what's in the PHB

I'm making a Dragonborn Paladin. I'd like him to be lawful good, but I'm really not all that fond of the the two LG deities listed in handbook. What are some good options to get around this? Are there ...
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