(Caution: Super Evil Action) Shapechange into a Greater Doppelganger1.
Consume Identity (Su): A greater doppelganger who eats the brain of a Medium-size or smaller humanoid victim absorbs the mind, memories, and personality of that victim. After consuming a victim’s identity, the greater doppelganger can assume the victim’s form with 100% accuracy and possess the victim’s memories, abilities, and alignment. The only exceptions are cleric spells of 2nd level or greater, a paladin’s special abilities, and other powers that are granted by the deities.
But, you would still have the divine spell-casting ability, doesn't matter if it is only up to 2nd level; which would satisfy spell trigger components.
Find a victim of the spell you wish to cast. Eat his/her brain. Cast your spell. You could even cast True Resurrection afterward if you feel bad for your victim.
1Greater Doppelgangers are found on page 35 of Monsters of Faerun.