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Egor Hans
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
If a creature with damage transfer is grappling a target, and the grappled target hits the creature, does the target still take half the damage?
Is "damage transfer" an actual term used in the game? If so, something like "This attack is unaffected by damage transfer abilities" would easily be an exception.
In session 0, how can I indicate that I'm not interested in a heavily optimized game without denigrating it as a play style?
@CabinetCat You could put that into a phrase like "I'm perfectly fine with min-maxing, as long as it doesn't become conversation topic number one". To me personally, that sounds fairly neutral while precisely conveying your expectations.
How often do I need to hand out spell scrolls as the DM in order to balance the Wizard's spell list with the Cleric's?
@SeriousBri I think with starting the whole additional items discussion, you're already missing mbrig's point. Wizards excel at flexibility, whereas fighters shine at consistently dealing and tanking damage. Both are advantages that are meant to balance each other out. Wizards are horizontally strong, fighters are vertically strong.
"Ray of Frost" Spell + Water = Lock Broken?
"it does not freeze any water." With the exception of Wall of Water, which explicitly states it freezes from anything that deals cold damage.
Can you use Frostbite or Ray of Frost to make stairs, bridges or doors?
You might need to use Shape Water specifically on a Wall of Water, as that has the property to freeze when a cold spell passes through, or rule that normal water has this property as well. Also, you'll need a creature (preferably immune to cold) to move around behind the to-freeze water object so you have a target for Ray of Frost.
Can the Command spell force someone to answer a question in a Zone of Truth?
Side note: This also covers the command "lie" mentioned in the question's text. The target currently can't lie, so the command ends immediately.
Can caster prove truthfulness with "Zone of Truth"
Does Zone of Truth even require concentration? From the question I've read so far, I was under the impression it doesn't.
Which "anti-lie-detection" features actually affect Zone of Truth?
"Zone of Truth is quite literally the only spell or non-background magic (other than Wish, which can do anything) in the game in the category of detecting, compelling, or restricting truth or lies." You're implicitly assuming this was supposed to remain the case when these spells and features were created, which is far from a given. For all we know, there could be hundreds of "you know whether what they speak is truth or lie" spells and features and whatnot, that were planned but have yet to see the light of day.
How can the Zone of Truth spell be defeated without the caster knowing?
Also, some of the statements seem to build on the common fallacy that ZoT indicates whether the target is speaking the truth. It doesn't. It indicates at the target's turn whether the target is capable of lying this turn.
How can the Zone of Truth spell be defeated without the caster knowing?
The first part is a variant of "lying by telling the truth", which the question specifically discards, although the way it's presented here does seem to render the argument against that moot. Besides, there's no indication the players are the interrogating side. Chances are the asker is a player in a campaign where they're infiltrating an evil empire and this technique has been foreshadowed as a possible challenge. OTOH, if that was the case, I'd just ask them to be creative on their own :-P
What encounter features make low CR enemies challenging?
You're focusing on purely hostile ambushes a lot. While not wrong in general, the particular situation mentioned in the question, or a similar one, is barely covered at all, because a) there's no oportunity for a surprise moment, as the PCs would just have failed to solve the conflict by talking, and b) the low-level NPCs, in this case, are willing to kill the players if necessary, but would rather not unless they have to.
Is this homebrew spell for speaking with the dead balanced when compared to other divination and necromancy spells?
Honestly, I don't think it needs to be that useless, you just made too big of an effort to nerf it.
How can a DM introduce a traitor in the party without being outed by Zone of Truth?
Another simple answer that isn't a lie, but deflects suspiction when asked "are you the traitor?" is asking back "why would you suspect me?"
Can you force honesty by using the Speak with Dead and Zone of Truth spells together?
The corpse isn't a creature, but what about the spirit within?
Is the Healer feat overpowered?
@Mołot That sounds like more of an earlier-editions thing.
Does casting a spell that scares/lies to an enemy count as "affecting them" for the purpose of Sanctuary?
"it would cause the creature to be affected by the fire in the rule sense (take damage), which would end the sanctuary spell." Due to the errata, the damage dealt would end Sanctuary, but not prior to it because it wasn't affecting them at casting time.
What is the most number of skills a character can gain Expertise in?
I see what you were talking in the comments. This takes Lovell's build as a base, but then expands on it.
If an attacker targets a creature with the Sanctuary spell cast on them, but fails the Wisdom save, can they choose not to attack anyone else?
Besides, I'm not sure if the point of invalid targets for spells actually holds. My interpretation as a GM would be that you still have to target something your character assumes to be a valid target, which wouldn't be the case for the rock (unless you can justify your character thinking the rock is a creature in disguise).
If an attacker targets a creature with the Sanctuary spell cast on them, but fails the Wisdom save, can they choose not to attack anyone else?
@BlackSpike Quite late, but the point is, you don't have to attack your friend even if you have to attack something.
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