I'm a master doing a Warcraft game for D&D 3.5 and I have 4 players in it. The thing is, none of them want to be a mage/sorcerer/etc. and I want to show them how OP it can be.
What will be my method to show them that? Well, I was thinking in make a villain mage to taste the power of the arcane. The problem is I don't know how to do it. I know a few tricks and the spells in the book, but I want to know if is any posibility to find here some help about how to do it or if it is a better way to show the benefits to play as a spellcaster.
All of this is because my friends came from playing World of Warcraft and they don't like how a mage uses spells in D&D, wanting mana and all that stuff.
The games is the Roll20 D&D 3.5 Warcraft game. I hope this is enough to clarify what manual I'm using for my game. They made a new one years later with all the World of Warcraft stuff, but this one was made before wow and with only the Warcraft 3 (and the previous ones) lore.
I know the first thing for the players is to have fun. I'm always the first saying that and sad seeing a lot of GMs doing the oposite of that. I'm normally really flexible with my players and wanting to create a great time for them with a good story and playing.
The campaign is designed to start at level 6, because in this game (roll20 D&D 3.5 Warcraft rolegame) they center the "gameplay" with the prestige class system and I want to start with all of them having their desired class combination.
The exact thing was one of the players wanted so much being a mage, but he only played World of Warcraft and never before in a roleplay game. When I exposed to him the rules of spells and how magic works in D&D, he hated so much so he changed to a warrior/gladiator(or master of blades, if you are horde). Now, anyone is a mage and I don't want to do a bad guy with spellcasting to overpower them and kill them, I only want to show them with a funny and challenging way what they lost with this tantrum. My desire is listen to that guy saying "Oh, so spellcasters are useful, after all..." or something like this.