As GM, I am having a now-deceased 30th-level wizard's spell last after his death. It is a spell to conceal an object in a Dimensional Pocket keyed to one of the right bloodline who knows the password. I do not know a spell that can do this, so I'm looking for ammunition to use against the rules lawyers in my group who will say that a spell effect ends with a wizard's death.
The circumstances are that a specific family of wizards who guarded an ancient key to the revival of a certain being concealed it in a powerful dimensional lock, and whenever they were about to die they taught their successor both the Sealing Spell and the keyword to open it, and entrusted them with the artifact. As a last act they perform the Sealing Spell on an object their heir possesses, because being more skillful wizards their magic is stronger at that age. The heir to the 30th level wizard is going to meet with the party and initially fight them and, should they be smart and not kill her, they will hear her story and the evil which she guards. (Shouldguards; whereas should they kill her, they won't know until later that the evil is even afoot.) I want my party to think this time, instead of just killing everything and believing there isn't anything to be gained by keeping adversaries alive.
In this instance, instead of an object that might be stolen, the wizard sealed it into a dimensional space near his daughter's shoulder so that it might be safer.
Can a spell effect last after the Castercaster has died?