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What prestige classes progress bardic knowledgeBardic Knowledge and spellcastingSpellcasting?
I know there are a few such as lore masterLoremaster and ardent dilettanteArdent Dilettante, but I was wondering if there were anymoreany others that progressed both spell-castingspellcasting and bardic knowledge.
What classes progress bardic knowledge and spellcasting
I know there are a few such as lore master and ardent dilettante, but I was wondering if there were anymore that progressed both spell-casting and bardic knowledge.
What prestige classes progress Bardic Knowledge and Spellcasting?
I know there are a few such as Loremaster and Ardent Dilettante, but I was wondering if there were any others that progressed both spellcasting and bardic knowledge.
What classes progress bardic knowledge and spellcasting
I know there are a few such as lore master and ardent dilettante, but I was wondering if there were anymore that progressed both spell-casting and bardic knowledge.