Does Mind Blank protect magic items or even normal gear that is on the Mind Blanked target from divination spells (including but not limited to Detect Magic, Locate Object, etc.)?
Another player and I aren't currently in agreement on this. I think Mind Blank will also protect my stuff but he is telling me that Nondetection is what I should be using, and his reason for that is a bit of text at the end of Nondetection that isn't in the Mind Blank spell:
If cast on a creature, nondetection wards the creature’s gear as well as the creature itself.
I have not brought this question to the GM yet because he is in blackout mode studying for his exams and can't be reached yet.
If the majority answer is "Yes it protects your gear as well" could you put the reasoning why in the answer as well? So when the GM is free I can bring it to him and the other player before the game so it doesn't devolve into a debate at the table.