The Tome of Battle supplement for D&D 3.5 offers a Maneuver called Manticore Parry, which allows the initiator to redirect the attack to another target. But which targets are legal?
When you initiate this maneuver, you can attempt to block an enemy's melee attack that targets you and redirect it to another target adjacent to you. Make a melee attack roll. If your result is greater than your foe's attack roll, you bat aside the strike and direct it against a target of your choice that stands adjacent to you.
If you succeed in deflecting the attack, use the result of your opponent’s attack roll to determine if it strikes the new target.
Emphasis mine.
Assuming that the attacker is adjacent to the initiator, is the original attacker a legal target? Or does the specification of "a new target" imply the necessity of a third party being present?