So, I'm a relatively new GM (having only run a quick foray into the Tomb of Horrors for fun) and I've got an idea for a city-based custom campaign. I feel pretty good about my story telling abilities and in general I'm not too worried about the campaign itself.
However, I also have several ideas for little tweaks to the game that I want to try out. These include giving some bonuses to basic melee classes like Fighter and Monk to help them keep up with spellcasters, and possibly having a list of "achievements" players could earn which wold confer a small bonus.
My problem is that I'm afraid throwing all of this new content in the campaign might over complicate or unbalance things. On the other hand it took a lot of effort get to a group together and I'm not sure when I'll have another chance to try these tweaks out. I don't want to ruin my players experience just because I want to experiment, but I don't have enough experience to gauge if that'll be the case.
Is there any way to figure out if I'm biting off too much to chew, without just diving straight in and adjusting if things go wrong?