I'm converting the characters for my party from D&D4E to D&D5E, and I have a question about the Cleric (level 1).
He has a Dexterity of 8, and also has a Light Crossbow (which he is proficient with). The attack roll when he uses the crossbow should then be +1 (+2 proficiency -1 dex mod), and the damage roll should then be 1d8-1. Is this correct?
Does a negative modifier (Strength/Dexterity) also apply to the damage roll?
The rules just state that the modifier has to be added to the damage, but there is nothing specified for negative modifiers... (that is why I assume it should be 1d8-1). It does look a bit weird, though.
From the Basic Rules (p. 75):
When attacking with a weapon, you add your ability modifier—the same modifier used for the attack roll—to the damage.
PS: I know the crossbow is not the first thing a Cleric should use so this is not a critical issue... but still, I'd like to know how the rules work for this situation :-)