From the description of attack roll in the core player book:
To determine whether an attack succeeds, you make an attack roll.
The definition of Trigger:
A trigger is an action, an event, or an effect that allows you to use a triggered action
This seem to imply you must make an attack roll (since it is an action, and not an enunciation of an action) to then decide if you want to use the "inevitable strike".
On the other hand since an attack roll is used to determine if the attack succeeds and not if it fails, a sucess should mean "an attack is determined to have succeeded", while a failed roll should mean "an attack is not determined to have succeeded". If you roll a fail and a success, the success should be determinant.
Therefore, as written, after making an attack roll, regardless of it being a hit or a miss, you can use the action to make a second roll, if either is a hit, the attack is a success, if both miss the attack fails, and if both hit the attack succeeds and you deal bonus damage, regardless of which attack is the triggering roll and which one is the bonus roll.
In step-by-step format, using wax eagle's answer as a template:
- Declare triggering power that requires a melee attack roll
- Roll 1d20, see the result but don't compare it with target value
- Decide to use Inevitable Strike
- Roll another d20
- If neither d20, with added attack bonuses, reach the target value, the triggering power fails
- If one d20, with added attack bonuses, reaches the target value, solve the triggering power effect
- If both d20, with added attack bonuses, reach the target value, solve the triggering power effect and deal bonus damage