Is it possible to attack multiple enemies with a single strike in Dungeon World? All of the examples give the player only damaging a single enemy even if they end up hacking and slashing with multiple enemies.
Say a barbarian player says "I sweep my mighty two handed sword at the goblins, hoping to sever their torsos from their puny little legs."
My realistic response would be, no way, it's difficult enough to chop a single persons head off cleanly even when it's on a chopping block in front of you. I'd handle it as a hack and slash targeted at one goblin while being in melee with x goblins.
My fan of the players response would be, sounds like it's "could" work. How would you then handle it? Give them a -1 attack penalty and deal with it as combat as usual, dealing excess damage to each subsequent enemy? Give them no attack penalty but if they don't do sufficient damage to go clean through all the enemies they're targeting, say their sword gets stuck in the last enemy they hit?
The same could go for a giant that's swinging a tree trunk at a group of bunched characters who are busy defending / healing the poor sap who got hit with the first tree trunk swipe. That could count as not being a fan of the players though.