Currently I only have the 5th Edition Starter Set and I'm new to D&D. I understand that there is the Proficiency Bonus (+2 for the Starter Set's Cleric for example) which would be applied to the proficiencies the character has (the Cleric has a Procifiency in "playing cards" so I would expect the character to receive a +2 bonus when playing cards).
With this in mind, I also see that there are also positive and negative modifiers listed in the Skills and Saving Throws section of each character sheet. Are these Skill-/saving throw-specific proficiencies that take precedence over the more general Proficiency Bonus, or are they something else entirely?
I'm pretty certain that they are, in fact, a more specific proficiency but I didn't see anything in the starter set text that clarifies and, upon searching Stack Exchange, I mostly see questions regarding whether proficiency bonuses stack. In other words, I hope this question is specific enough and not duplicating an exiting question.