For a game I'm playing I'm going to have a really massive strength score (and good scores in everything but Con, because undead) so I was wondering how I could really use this massive strength score. I'm looking at quite possibly starting the game with a 29 strength at level 5 (gestalt).
Race wise I'm a Vampire Shalarin, which means scores of +10 str, +8 dex, +2 int, +2 wis, +4 cha. Classes I'm taking thus far are Track A: Paladin of Tyrannny 5 (with Underdark Knight ACF) Track B: Moonwarded Ranger2/Swordsage2
I have one class level left to spend, and feat wise I'm looking at taking Serenity so far as a definite. I've considered filling that last level with Fighter so I can get a bonus combat feat, or a psionic class to gain Speed of Thought when I have a spare feat. Other ideas for what to actually advance into past level 5 would be helpful as well.
Primary focus right now is maximizing what I can get from Strength though, all other information provided for context or in case someone has an idea that synergizes well with said info. I have not assigned my point buy for stats yet either, but I have 34pt point buy allotment. Left this open for now for flexibility, once I am decided on the last class level and where my feats will be going I'm going to be assigning those.
I guess Paladin of Tyranny is probably the important piece here, that was the predominant suggestion and the route I decided to go with on this. The Ranger/Swordsage stuff are in there for Wis to AC stuff. The idea I guess right now is an unarmored/lightly armored beast of a dark Knight/Paladin type of character.
Also, the DM houseruled that the Shalarin gets a 20ft base land speed, so increasing that would be handy (hence the Underdark Knight ACF). Reasoning is that Shalarin doesn't have a land speed due to being aquatic, but it has feet. After being turned it can walk on land (doesn't need to breathe underwater anymore), it's just not used to it.