I've just been skimming through the Magic Item Compendium & I'm confused about the "+n Bonus" prices on some of the items, does this mean that a player using the item is subject to a penalty?
For example:
RETALIATION Price: +2 bonus Property: Armor Caster Level: 9th Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) necromancy Activation: — The surface of this armor roils with pent-up energy. A suit of armor that has this property strikes back at foes who hit hard in melee...
Reading more, the MIC p.4 explains pricing as below:
Price (Item Level): The purchase price of the item, in gold pieces (gp). The item’s level (see page 226) is given in parentheses
Which sounds to me like there is a set price for bonuses and the item/property is equivalent to that, however I've not managed to find any mention of a structure like that.
Looking through Chapter 6: "Using Magical Items", there are lots of mentions of bonuses but nothing I can see that could be construed as being applicable as a pricing structure.
I think I'm barking up the wrong tree.