Wall of Fire(PHB 285)
Requirement: Must be on a solid surface
- Up to 60' long, 20' high, 1' thick along a horizontal dimension
- ringed wall up to 20' in diameter
Wall Of Force(PHB 285)
Requirement: Single orientation of horizontal, vertical or at an angle.
Wall of Ice(PHB 285)
Requirement: Must rest on a solid surface as a flat surface in default vertical orientation. There is no language similar to that of Wall of Force allowing for non-standard orientations (horizontal/angle.)
- Up to 10 10'x10'x1' panels that must be contiguous OR
- Hemispherical dome or sphere with a radius up to 10'
Wall Of Stone(PHB 286)
Requirements: Must merge with and be solidy supported by existing stone. If greater than 20' in length, you must halve the size of each panel to create supports.
- composed of up to 10 10'x10'x3" panels that must be contiguous with at least one other panel
- Can have any shape you desire, but cannot occupy same space as a creature or object.
- Does not have to be vertical or rest on any firm foundation.
- Can be crudely shaped to create crenellations, battlements, and so on.
- If concentrated for full duration, becomes permanent
Wall of Thorns(PHB 286)
Requirements: Must be on a solid surface.
- Up to 60' long, 10' high, 5' thick along a horizontal dimension
- Circle that has a 20' diameter and is up to 20' high and 5' thick