Legend of the Five Rings, first edition.
Iaijutsu duels usually happen like this:
- Determine "initiative" (not an actual initiative roll but still)
- Contestant with higher initiative decides who has to start declaring 'strike' or 'focus'
- Contestants, in turns, must declare 'focus' or 'strike', one can declare 'focus' at most a number of times equal to his Void ring score
- Declaring 'focus' just skips one's turn, as soon as a contestant declares 'strike', the other contestant strikes
- Resolve hit/no-hit and eventually damage for this first attack
- If the contestant who suffered the attack is still conscious he attacks as well
- Resolve hit/no-hit and eventually damage for this second attack
- If both contestants are still conscious, a regular skirmish takes place
Now, Kakita rank 5 says:
At the very beginning of the combat, before initiative is even rolled, the bushi makes a [...] roll [...]. If he succeeds, he gains one attack before combat even begins. Usually the TN to hit a motionless target is 5.
The Core Rulebook Errata Corrige specifically states that this rank applies to iaijutsu duels as well:
Q: Does the Rank 5 Kakita Bushi School ability apply to both Iaijutsu duels and combat?
A: Yes.
So, assuming the kakita bushi succeeds in its roll, what happens?
- He strikes first, before point 1 above takes place, as if the opponent declared 'strike' beforehand, then his opponent strikes second, then the skirmish takes place normally.
- He strikes first, before point 1 above takes place, the iaijutsu duel basically doesn't happen. Skirmish starts and the opponent still has to draw his blade.
- Some other way I can't think of