Are there other ways to manage time, rounds and turns in PF, 3E or 3.5E or d20 in general?
Current rules are ok, but they seem a little bit like turn based videogames. What could we do to feel the game more like continuous and simultaneous action and not like a retro turn based videogame.
In a real battle people don't act and then stay quiet waiting for others to finish they're actions. They are constantly acting and moving around. We want continuous movement.
If my sword gots too hot i just open my hand and allow it to fall to the ground, i don't wait for other people to end what they're doing to open my burning hand.
Two melee opponents, A and B, with more than one attack per round face each other and their initiatives are too close, e.g., 21 and 20 respectively. To make it more cinematic i remembered a master (under old AD&D 2E rules) to make the action close to simultaneous allowing A to make one attack, then B, then A again, and so on, until each other exausted the attacks. If A had 2 attacks, and B 4 per round, then A makes 1 attack, B 2, A his last 1, then B his remaining 2.