The real question is how high of a priority for you is playing a tabletop RPG?
There's no right answer except your own.
If getting together with buddies (over Skype or face-to-face) to roleplay for a couple hours a week is really a high priority for you, you'll make time to do it. If your work/hobbies/etc get in the way of that time, then that tells you where your priorities lie... and there's nothing wrong with that.
One of the guys in my group is invovled with a community drama group. Of the 8 people in my group, he misses the most sessions because his acting is more important to him. Another guy has been playing D&D in some form or another for 20 years and never misses a week simply because he reschedules his other commitments around gaming night because he really wants to be there.
I think the real answer here is to sort out what is important to you and allocate your time accordingly.
- My work friends know that I'm not available on Thursdays to hang out because I'm playing D&D.
- My wife knows that I will be gone from 4:30-8:30 every Thursday, so she and my son either make plans for a playdate or go spend time with Grandma, etc.
- When I started my new job I made the decision to get up early every day and work 7-4 to get out in time for gaming.
Obviously life tries to get in the way plenty of times. It's just a matter of whether you let it or not.