The RAW opening for trying this: an ability check, not an attack
If the DM rules that the berry is too large then this can't even be
attempted, or is an auto fail1 with the blowgun.
You could try an Athletics check (Ability check, Strength) something
similar to trying to hit a long three point shot, or to hole out a
chip shot(golf), with the abilty check attempt being phrased
something like "toss the goodberry into the ally's open mouth" ...
see the footnote for details.
If it is ruled to fit ...
Blowguns have an ammunition property, which is a particular thing in the game, and in which category a goodberry is not listed. Since this item isn't blowgun ammunition, proficiency with a blowgun should not/will not not apply (one may ask the DM for a favorable ruling on that, but not expect it).
You can try to perform an action by using an ability check, but you aren't guaranteed to succeed.
Ability Checks
An ability check tests a character’s or monster’s innate talent and training in an effort to overcome a challenge. The DM calls for an ability check when a character or monster attempts an action (other than an attack) that has a chance of failure. When the outcome is uncertain, the dice determine the results. For every ability check, the DM decides which of the six abilities is relevant to the task at hand and the difficulty of the task, represented by a Difficulty Class. Basic Rules p. 58)
Depending upon the circumstances of this attempt, you can expect that the DC will be set somewhere from Hard to Very Hard to Nearly Impossible: a DC between 20 and 30.
\text{Task Difficulty} & \text{DC} \\
\text {Very Easy} & 5 \\
\text {Easy} & 10 \\
\text {Medium} & 15 \\
\text {Hard} & 20 \\
\text {Very Hard} & 25 \\
\text {Nearly Impossible} & 30
Circumstantial disadvantage may apply: that depends on if it's in the middle of combat, or in a non-combat situation where you can't reach the other character. (for whatever reason)
Advantage and Disadvantage
The DM can also decide that circumstances influence a roll in one direction or the other and grant advantage or impose disadvantage as a result. (Basic Rules p. 57)
Which Ability check?
The two most likely choices are Athletics (effective use of breath/power) or a Dexterity check (for aim). Non-proficiency is the rational ruling here, but perhaps your cleric can cast the guidance cantrip to increase the odds on the attempt by a 1d4, or the DM can rule within RAW that (if you are proficient in Athletics) that proficiency would apply. If the attempting character is a 7th level or higher Champion(Fighter), the class ability Remarkable Athlete offers a chance for a point or two (1/2 proficiency) bonus for ability checks that you are not proficient in if they are Dexterity, Constitution, or Strength based ability checks. (Basic Rules, p. 26)
How is this RAW?
By RAW, ability checks are a thing, and by RAW this is how the game is played:
- DM describes environment
- Player describes actions
- DM narrates results (dice rolled when necessary)
Let's break this down:
- The situation is that the PC's ally is down, mouth open.
- Player says "I use my blowgun {or something else} to get a goodberry into the ally's mouth."
- The DM (RAW) assigns a DC for the attempt that determines if the attempted action succeeds; the DM (RAW) applies disadvantage or advantage if the circumstances warrant such.
- The character rolls the dice
- DM advises the character on success or failure.
1Going back to the opening sentence of this answer: if the first time you try this the DM rules that "goodberries don't fit in a blowgun" then it's an auto-fail, no roll required, since there is no uncertainty regarding the outcome.
In this case, what's my alternate course of action?
Don't try to use the blowgun, try to toss the goodberry into the open mouth. The process is the same: the DM sets a DC (which will likely be pretty high) and you make an ability check (probably athletics) rather than an attack.
It never hurts to try.
As @Miniman points out, there isn't an explicit mechanic for "feeding a goodberry to another character" but there isn't an explicit prohibition against it either. As @V2Blast points out, Jeremy Crawford has said he'd allow it (as DM) ... thus the rules lack specificity on the ultimate outcome of such an attempt. The question then becomes ... how does that character expend an action to consume the goodberry, if that PC is at 0 HP/unconscious?