In Burning Wheel, artha is rewarded at the end of a session. I am running a four-hour convention game, and hence a one-shot, where this is less meaningful than in campaign play.
Furthermore, the game is a blood opera - there are many characters, some of whom will certainly come to conflict (direct or indirect).
Should we:
- Give artha as per written rules, when we end playing?
- Hold a mid-session pause, give artha then, and at the end of play?
- Give artha after every scene, if any was earned?
These would only apply to end-of-session artha, not to "workhorse" and other end-of-scenario rewards.
I am looking for experiences of people who have ran Burning Wheel as a one-shot in a convention setting or similar location, where most of the players are unknown and there is little reason to believe they will ever come to play these characters again.