Interesting question!
My answer is a little late, and comes to the same conclusions as the others, but I wanted to include it as it provides some exact values which are missing in the above.
I focused on the distribution of chance to obtain each number of uses for your die.
Included some graphs for completeness.
This was calculated by creating infinite series where the coefficient of x^n
corresponds to the probability of obtaining n
uses of a potion. I expand the polynomial by terms.
d4 = (3/4 * x) * sum(i=0..inf) (x * 1/4)^i
d6 = (3/6 * x) * sum(i=0..inf) (x * 3/6)^i * d4
d8 = (3/8 * x) * sum(i=0..inf) (x * 5/8)^i * d6
d10 = (3/10 * x) * sum(i=0..inf)(x * 7/10)^i * d8
And calculate the coefficient using some multiplication (roughly equivalent to the below python):
def _coef(n, *args):
# Sum all possible products such that the total exponent adds to n
# This can be calculated recursively, e.g.:
# f(2, a,b,c) -> a^2 + ab + ac + b^2 + bc + c^2
# a(a+b+c) + b(b+c) + c(c)
# a*f(1, a,b,c) + b*f(1, b,c) + c*f(1, c)
if n <= 0:
ret = 1
elif n == 1:
ret = sum(args)
total = 0
for i, a in enumerate(args):
total += a * _coef(n - 1, *args[i:])
ret = total
return ret
def coef(n, *args):
if n < len(args):
return 0
fail_factor = product((1 - a) for a in args)
coef_factor = _coef(n - len(args), *args)
return fail_factor * coef_factor
My apologies to mobile users.
For die d4
| Uses | Probability | Cumulative | Probability Exact | Cumulative Exact |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 0.75 | 0.75 | 3/4 | 3/4 |
| 2 | 0.1875 | 0.9375 | 3/16 | 15/16 |
| 3 | 0.046875 | 0.984375 | 3/64 | 63/64 |
| 4 | 0.0117188 | 0.996094 | 3/256 | 255/256 |
| 5 | 0.00292969 | 0.999023 | 3/1024 | 1023/1024 |
For die d6
| Uses | Probability | Cumulative | Probability Exact | Cumulative Exact |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 2 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 3/8 | 3/8 |
| 3 | 0.28125 | 0.65625 | 9/32 | 21/32 |
| 4 | 0.164062 | 0.820312 | 21/128 | 105/128 |
| 5 | 0.0878906 | 0.908203 | 45/512 | 465/512 |
| 6 | 0.0454102 | 0.953613 | 93/2048 | 1953/2048 |
| 7 | 0.0230713 | 0.976685 | 189/8192 | 8001/8192 |
| 8 | 0.0116272 | 0.988312 | 381/32768 | 32385/32768 |
| 9 | 0.00583649 | 0.994148 | 765/131072 | 130305/131072 |
| 10 | 0.00292397 | 0.997072 | 1533/524288 | 522753/524288 |
| 11 | 0.00146341 | 0.998536 | 3069/2097152 | 2094081/2097152 |
| 12 | 0.000732064 | 0.999268 | 6141/8388608 | 8382465/8388608 |
For die d8
| Uses | Probability | Cumulative | Probability Exact | Cumulative Exact |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 3 | 0.140625 | 0.140625 | 9/64 | 9/64 |
| 4 | 0.193359 | 0.333984 | 99/512 | 171/512 |
| 5 | 0.182373 | 0.516357 | 747/4096 | 2115/4096 |
| 6 | 0.146942 | 0.6633 | 4815/32768 | 21735/32768 |
| 7 | 0.108868 | 0.772167 | 28539/262144 | 202419/262144 |
| 8 | 0.076694 | 0.848861 | 160839/2097152 | 1780191/2097152 |
| 9 | 0.052294 | 0.901155 | 877347/16777216 | 15118875/16777216 |
| 10 | 0.0348724 | 0.936028 | 4680495/134217728 | 125631495/134217728 |
| 11 | 0.0228917 | 0.958919 | 24579819/1073741824 | 1029631779/1073741824 |
| 12 | 0.0148561 | 0.973775 | 127613079/8589934592 | 8364667311/8589934592 |
| 13 | 0.0095596 | 0.983335 | 656930547/68719476736 | 67574269035/68719476736 |
| 14 | 0.00611204 | 0.989447 | 3360131775/549755813888 | 543954284055/549755813888 |
| 15 | 0.00388868 | 0.993336 | 17102611899/4398046511104 | 4368736884339/4398046511104 |
| 16 | 0.00246476 | 0.995801 | 86720945319/35184372088832 | 35036616020031/35184372088832 |
| 17 | 0.00155764 | 0.997358 | 438436417347/281474976710656 | 280731364577595/281474976710656 |
| 18 | 0.000982107 | 0.99834 | 2211509144655/2251799813685248 | 2248062425765415/2251799813685248 |
| 19 | 0.000618109 | 0.998958 | 11134854544779/18014398509481984 | 17995634260668099/18014398509481984 |
| 20 | 0.000388464 | 0.999347 | 55983509189559/144115188075855872 | 144021057594534351/144115188075855872 |
For die d10
| Uses | Probability | Cumulative | Probability Exact | Cumulative Exact |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 4 | 0.0421875 | 0.0421875 | 27/640 | 27/640 |
| 5 | 0.0875391 | 0.129727 | 2241/25600 | 3321/25600 |
| 6 | 0.115989 | 0.245716 | 118773/1024000 | 251613/1024000 |
| 7 | 0.125275 | 0.370991 | 5131269/40960000 | 15195789/40960000 |
| 8 | 0.120353 | 0.491344 | 197186157/1638400000 | 805017717/1638400000 |
| 9 | 0.107255 | 0.598599 | 7029078021/65536000000 | 39229786701/65536000000 |
| 10 | 0.0907668 | 0.689366 | 237939825213/2621440000000 | 1807131293253/2621440000000 |
| 11 | 0.0739985 | 0.763364 | 7759306121589/104857600000000 | 80044557851709/104857600000000 |
| 12 | 0.0586665 | 0.822031 | 246065046795117/4194304000000000 | 3447847360863477/4194304000000000 |
| 13 | 0.0455234 | 0.867554 | 7637554195028901/167772160000000000 | 145551448629567981/167772160000000000 |
| 14 | 0.0347342 | 0.902288 | 233097529579949853/6710886400000000000 | 6055155474762669093/6710886400000000000 |
| 15 | 0.0261476 | 0.928436 | 7018937631217111509/268435456000000000000 | 249225156621723875229/268435456000000000000 |
| 16 | 0.0194699 | 0.947906 | 209056580748542012877/10737418240000000000000 | 10178062845617497022037/10737418240000000000000 |
| 17 | 0.0143684 | 0.962274 | 6171165847820748626181/429496729600000000000000 | 413293679672520629507661/429496729600000000000000 |
| 18 | 0.0105251 | 0.972799 | 180820654310520268173693/17179869184000000000000000 | 16712567841211345448480133/17179869184000000000000000 |
| 19 | 0.00766224 | 0.980462 | 5265448029983050174879029/687194767360000000000000000 | 673768161678436868114084349/687194767360000000000000000 |
| 20 | 0.005549 | 0.986011 | 152529676741737471547003437/27487790694400000000000000000 | 27103256143879212196110377397/27487790694400000000000000000 |
| 21 | 0.00400084 | 0.990012 | 4398967032423950869575861861/1099511627776000000000000000000 | 1088529212787592438713990957741/1099511627776000000000000000000 |
| 22 | 0.00287374 | 0.992885 | 126388634748253166004618272733/43980465111040000000000000000000 | 43667557146251950714564256582373/43980465111040000000000000000000 |
| 23 | 0.00205751 | 0.994943 | 3619603834210652189541665152149/1759218604441600000000000000000000 | 1750321889684288680772111928447069/1759218604441600000000000000000000 |
| 24 | 0.00146901 | 0.996412 | 103372621197087349842475462150797/70368744177664000000000000000000000 | 70116248208568634580726952600033557/70368744177664000000000000000000000 |
| 25 | 0.00104632 | 0.997458 | 2945139485679173008972033887487941/2814749767106560000000000000000000000 | 2807595067828424556238050137888830221/2814749767106560000000000000000000000 |
| 26 | 0.000743706 | 0.998202 | 83733822826925024585784972531302973/112589990684262400000000000000000000000 | 112387536535963907274107790488084511813/112589990684262400000000000000000000000 |
| 27 | 0.000527654 | 0.998729 | 2376340268332105196766179822917498869/4503599627370496000000000000000000000000 | 4497877801706888396161077799346297971389/4503599627370496000000000000000000000000 |
| 28 | 0.000373775 | 0.999103 | 67333264212391058218558049842715358957/180143985094819840000000000000000000000000 | 179982445332487926904661670023694634214517/180143985094819840000000000000000000000000 |