I am making a list of how my wizard would cast spells, specifically using the components supplied. Sometimes this is pretty obviously a joke which I can play upon, but sometimes the components don't really make any sense (to me at least).
Identify (D&D 5e) specifically calls for a 100gp pearl, and an owl feather. My understanding is that previous editions had the same components, albeit the pearl was consumed. I can't see what this is meant to represent, and designer intent is off topic, but I am aware that there are multiple novelisations of various D&D realms; none of which I have read.
In these novelisations, or any other official sources (including sources which were once official and no longer are, cannon, comment or otherwise), is there a description of someone casting Identify using the components?
I don't care if it is forgotten realms or any other setting, don't care the age of the information or what edition it was originally intended for, nor do I care if it is divine magic, arcane magic or any other source - as long as a pearl and owl feather are involved. I am mostly interested in the ritual casting of the spell, but the quick casting using the components is also of interest as I can extrapolate a ritual from that, and bonus points for both!