Back in the late 80s or early 90s, I purchased an AD&D book containing a dozen or more goofy/silly one-shot modules. I gave this book away as a birthday present, but I'm trying to remember what that book was called.
For instance, one module was crashing some Kobold's party(?) where the Kobold bad guy summoned some kind of demon during a dinner party, then animated all of the roasted chickens to dance around for entertainment, and ultimately ticked off the demon to the point where it attacks everybody.
This same module had the characters randomly being approached by a flesh golem in a tuxedo (i.e., Lurch from Adams Family) with a tray full of mice head (or headless mice) hors d'oeuvres that the players were expected to take, but not necessarily eat.
Another module was some kind of circus, I think, where one encounter had a tank full of playful dolphins that enticed the players to join them, but ultimately the dolphins were carnivorous.
Also, I think there may have been some kind of adventure or encounter involving animated objects like puppets (i.e., Pinocchio).
I don't know if this book was specific to a particular setting, but I do recall we used it for AD&D.