By RAW no; "by reason" is a slippery slope
By RAW, no
As the question you cite explains, the rules errata justification for a mundane arrow fired from a magical bow overcoming resistance to nonmagical damage is explicit and clear:
Magic Weapons (p. 140). The section ends with a new paragraph: “If a magic weapon has the ammunition property, ammunition fired from it is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.”
(you can read several other justifications for the magical bow 'working' to grant their magic to the arrow at the original question.) However, there is no such explicit rules statement for the bracers.
If it helps, you can think of the bracers within the narrative as something that steadies your natural aim, rather than magically empowering the weapon, much like a magical increase in your Dexterity score1 would increase the damage of the weapon without imparting the ability to overcome non-magic resistance. Or, as commenter Alan says, "the bracers magically make you a better archer, but no matter how good an archer you are, your arrows aren't suddenly magical".
Does it stand to reason?
It might stand to reason, within a particular game's narrative explanation for how magic "works", that the bracers actually empower the arrow. However, I would caution against this. The game has so many ways to magically increase damage that if this were allowed, overcoming resistance to non-magical damage would become trivial.
If items are allowed, do gauntlets of ogre power, a belt2 of giant strength, or an ioun stone of strength make my mundane sword's damage magical because they give me magical strength?
If spells are allowed, does enlarge make my mundane sword's damage magical because it gives me a magical damage bump? Does bless make my mundane arrow's damage magical because it gives me magical accuracy? Why would anyone use the magic weapon spell if so many other spells gave its benefits as 'add-ons' in addition to their listed effects?
Of the three pillars, combat is by far the best supported in the game. It is simply too easy to get damage or other combat boosts from magic means. If these boosts were allowed to make their enhanced attack 'magical' in addition to their stated effects, it would be unusual to find a character not capable of overcoming non-magic damage resistance, at least for a limited time when needed. And as Syndrome says, "When everyone is super, no one will be."
1Cf. Ioun Stone of Agility, Manual of Quickness of Action
2Yes, I originally wrote 'girdle' and had to correct myself. Get Off My Lawn.