From VtR (104):
While frenzied, the vampire does everything in her power to accomplish the Beast’s desires. She does so with immediate, forceful, and destructive abandon. If there’s someone in the way, she throws him or decks him. If she’s hungry, she bites the closest thing to her mouth. That said, the Beast isn’t stupid. It’s capable of doing the kinds of things an enraged, terrified, or starving animal predator is, and it will lash out with the predatory aura if that will help sate it.
On one hand, it says the Beast can do anything an animal predator can. Animals don't talk. On the other hand, it says that vampire does everything in its power to fulfill its desires. So, which is it?
Technically, vampire can Ride the Wave, or spend a WP to say something, but the question is, can Beast itself talk.
For example, if frenzied vampire runs away from a threat, can the Beast itself call for help?