I'm writing up an elf assassin's backstory and I'd like input on what sort of monsters fit the situation I've put the PC in.
He is in the employ of a lord, living in Suzail, capital of Cormyr in Faerun. In Suzail, a wizard comes into town, takes over one of the guilds and is discovered to have plans to destroy the royal family and generally bring ruin on the region. The assassin prepares entry into the house armed with the change self, unseen servant, and invisibility spells along with various stealth enhancing thief equipment.
He prepares sleeping poisons for the guards, and haszac (mind flayer) poison to act similarly to the 5th level spell feeble mind, and a lethal poison to kill the mage after learning what he can. The haszac, per the netbook of poisons by Adrienne Mills, is different than the feeble mind spell in that it causes hallucinations and paranoid delusions rather than mental retardation.
The hit goes off perfectly: guards no problem, the haszac laced throwing daggers caught the mage in the back while he was working at his workshop. The mage turns in horror (not making eye contact with the assassin) and pleads for his life with some imagined monster, that he can still finish the mission. This turn of events causes my PC to just kill the mage, seeing no point in questioning him in his current state. He comes up to the mage and stabs him in the heart with the lethal poison laced serrated dagger and casts invisibility for his escape.
Turning around, the assassin sees the monster that the mage imagined, who it turns out was the artificer behind the plot. The monster laughs at PC and sends him onward to more trouble, i.e. the adventure which takes place in the Shadowfell.
The characteristics I'm looking for are:
- Capable of driving a powerful mage to an evil plot
- Would be able to transport PC to a different plane
- Preferably would have some business in the Shadowfell itself.
Suggestions welcome!