
Is it written anywhere in an official source what Ketephys' subdomains are? Google only responds with a single wiki and about 20 different people quoting that wiki, but not listing a source.

I'm specifically wondering about the Feather domain. I'm having a disagreement with my DM about it, and she wants an actual Pathfinder source.


2 Answers 2


James Jacob's comment on the Golarion Day: Subdomains for Everyone! Paizo blog article is the most authoritative source I could find. James Jacobs, a creative director at Paizo, confirmed Ketephys' subdomains: Azata, Feather, Fur, Growth, Seasons and Storms.


Inner Sea Gods from Paizo clarifies Ketephys's subdomains as Azata, Feather, Fur, Growth, Moon, and Seasons.

The Pathfinder wiki article on Ketephys has been updated to include these subdomains.


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