In addition to the simplified Pathfinder system, in late 3.5 some people used the Saga system skill rules, which were simplified... From the SWSE Wikipedia page:
Skill points have been eliminated. Characters have a number of "trained" skills they can pick based on their class and Intelligence bonus. When a character makes a skill check, they roll a d20 and add half their character level + any other bonuses. If they roll for a trained skill they get a +5 bonus to the die roll, and certain applications of some skills cannot be attempted unless trained in the skill. Skills themselves have been simplified and integrated, with such skills as Deception covering the former skills of Bluff, Disguise, and Forgery. The Mechanics skill now encompasses Repair, Disable Device, and Demolitions (as well as crafting devices in the expansion books). Likewise, the new Perception skill combines the Spot, Search, Sense Motive, and Listen skills.
Oh, and there's an abbreviated 4e preview skill list on It's not "for 3.5" but it's as simple as deciding what your skill list is right?