The specific scenario in question is an arcane bloodrager getting the free buff spells when entering his bloodrage at 4th level or higher. The bloodrage itself is supernatural and does not provoke, but how does that work with arcane bloodrage being a spell like ability?
Arcane Bloodrage (Sp) At 4th level, when entering a bloodrage, you can choose one of the following spells and apply its effects to yourself: blur, protection from arrows, resist energy (choose one energy type), or spider climb. These effects last for as long as you continue bloodraging, regardless of the spell's normal duration.
Under spell like abilities it says
Using all other spell-like abilities is a standard action unless noted otherwise, and doing so provokes attacks of opportunity.
My DM believes that this means if I enter a bloodrage and choose to have one of these spells affect me, I'd be provoking an attack of opportunity. I believe that since I'm not using a spell-like ability as a standard action, it does not provoke. I can't find anything in the rules one way or another.