So, while browsing the psionic powers for anything that is useful-yet-sounds-useless, my attention was drawn to Complete Psionics' Psychic Containment. This little 5pp power works as a sort of psionics EMP that can block manifesters from doing anything psionic. On the plus side, we've got pinpoint precision that allows to EMP just that guy other there, and his minion next to him, without shutting down our Psychic Warrior that's meleeing them. On the minus side, it's Will save, mind-affecting, and if they take a full round, they can reroll. That, and the fact it affects only psionic crea...
No, wait, maybe it doesn't affect only psionic creatures.
WotC had already made their point in Expanded Psionics Handbook that if an effect doesn't work on magic even with 100% transparency, it's outright stated in the book, and the CPsi doesn't specify this limitation of the power, wich would mean it can actually put a "soft magic ban" over any spellcaster, be it a psion, a wizard or a druid given working transparency.
Did I miss this particular limitation of this power, or should it really work this way? I know that even then it's not all that powerful (it targets a strong save, it's mind-affecting, it gives rerolls if the enemy wants to, and doesn't stop the effects that are already, ehm, in effect), but it gives me an impression of a good utility/combat power (especially for ambushes and just pre-combat situations), and seems like an early game substitute for Antimagic Field, which is... Not that bad. Since encounters last for a few rounds anyway, a missed save for one or two enemy spellcasters can basically spell out doom for the enemy party, plus it's a good "shut up" effect for many non-combat situations.
TL;DR: Given normal magic-psionic transparency (Detect/Dispel magic is also Detect/Dispel psionics and such), does Psychic Containment work on non-psionic magic users?