When I buy a robot (buying gear at character creation), does it come with a basic AI that knows how to operate the 'bot, or do I have to purchase the AI separately?
2 Answers
I asked Eclipse Phase authors on Twitter :
Response Here
Nope, they come with a device AI (see the section on non-sapient AIs for skill stats).
and Here
What you can also do that is kind of a cool trick is either teleoperate them or add a cyberbrain & use them as morphs.--jg
\$\begingroup\$ I don't know how to do this... - ok found it - done! :) \$\endgroup\$– KlaimCommented Aug 12, 2011 at 20:10
I would say it comes with a basic type of AI that will give the robot the ability to perform normal tasks. Anything more complex will require teaching from your part. If you wanted a veteran AI in your robot, then yes, I would say that it require a cost.
Of course, you could always fork yourself and have the fork work/teach the robot then merge with your fork. Or have a crippled fork that just stays inside the robot and does things for you -- no need for an AI then.
Of course, you referee may make the AI something special as part of the story. If the robot is a legacy from before the Titans, then that opens plenty of interesting story ideas. Maybe the AI in it is a fork of someone else. Who? Why? ... Oh look plot ideas.
\$\begingroup\$ Can a delta fork run natively on a robot, or does a cyberbrain need to be installed? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 12, 2011 at 13:22
\$\begingroup\$ It would depend on the robot I guess. If it had diminished ego loader capability, then it would be able to. Of course, if it could take a whole fork, the robot would be called a morph. If it had a permanent link to the mesh, then the fork could live in the mesh. If it had neither, you should upgrade it so it does, you low tech punk! </point d'ironie> \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 12, 2011 at 13:34