I am trying to decide if racial senses are considered Ex for the purposes of wild shaping.
I had previously asked if ability scores are lost when under polymorph, and the answer was no. These ability scores are racial but not lost.
Online Ive seen many references to wild shaping into ooze's and retaining your vision. But I cant seem to find the RAW ruling which explains how this happens.
Since most racial abilities are not listed as Ex/SU/SA it seems to imply that racial senses are not lost unless specifically given a type somewhere. Under the special abilities page the sense of low light and dark vision are not given a type. The same is true when you visit the race pages for elf and dwarf.
So to me, this would imply that any racial sense I have which is not specifically listed as Ex/Sa/Su would be kept when you wild shaped, correct?
While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form.
So any Ex abilities that are dependent on your form. Dwarves have darkvision, but in the racial description its not typed as Ex/SU/SA, nor under the special abilities. Now Polymorph specifically calls out darkvision but only when it is Ex. It is possible to get darkvision via spells and other abilities.
You would generally consider your senses to be tied to your form, so any that you would naturally have.
However the desc for Ex
Extraordinary abilities are non-magical. They are, however, not something that just anyone can do or even learn to do without extensive training.
Since anyone as part of a race can "do" their senses, they should not be Ex?