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Questions tagged [bonds]

For questions primarily about bonds, a mechanic used in Dungeon World and similar RPGs for establishing relationships or connections between characters.

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11 votes
3 answers

How far is it acceptable for the GM to interfere with a PC's background?

Me and some friends are organizing a DW game right now with most of us being completely new to tabletop RPG (including me, the GM) and I think I made a mistake while we were establishing their bonds. ...
Ohto Ai's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How do I handle bonds that don't resolve?

So my first game of Dungeon World has hit the ground and we're all having fun, but something seems off in handling Bonds at the end of session. One of my players has the bond, "Able always has my ...
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Establishing bonds with NPCs

We're at the point in our 2-players-and-a-GM Dungeon World game where one of the PCs is working with a rather regular cast of friendly NPCs in addition to the other PC. This means that the PCs don't ...
Shalvenay's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Keeping bonds with memory resets

I've been playing as a character in a dungeon-world campaign. About once per session in this campaign the world "resets". Our players return to the starting tavern, our inventories, health and ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How public should bonds be in a Dungeon World game?

Are there any restrictions or advice on who should know about bonds in a Dungeon World game (RAW or in the spirit of the game)? Are they supposed to be public knowledge to the party? Between the two ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to keep Bonds relevant when players are absent?

Some time ago I GMed Dungeon World for a group of friends -- the first time any of us tried DW, though we'd played Apocalypse World before. The campaign only lasted 5-6 sessions because of multiple ...
AgentAquarius's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Impact of swapping Flags for Bonds in Dungeon World?

An answer on this site recently pointed me to Rob Donoghue's Flags system as a possible replacement for Dungeon World's Bonds. How does this system impact game play and table dynamics? I'm ...
Joel Harmon's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What do you lose by not using bonds?

Normally in Dungeon World each character has bonds, formalized connections with other characters related to their shared history. What is the game like without using bonds? To keep this objective, I'...
Joe's user avatar
  • 17.2k
13 votes
2 answers

Rolling +BOND: which bonds count?

When aiding or interfering you roll +BOND. When a move has you roll+BOND you'll count the number of bonds you have with the character in question and add that to the roll. (DW p.52, "Choose Bonds") ...
nitsua60's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Can a character bond with a location?

A player asked tonight if he could write a bond with a key location where the party'd just arrived. "I'm obsessed with figuring out why the magic of the Red Keep is going awry" was his proposed bond. ...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes
3 answers

Adding characters to the party once the story has started

Character creation in Dungeon World is done cooperatively, and part of the process involves establishing bonds between the different characters. World creation is also heavily driven by the players as ...
Wibbs's user avatar
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