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Questions tagged [delta-green-rpg]

Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game is a Lovecraftian RPG published by Arc Dream. It was released in 2016.

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8 votes
2 answers

Where can I find out more information on PISCES?

I've just got hold of a copy of the new version of Delta Green, and as I'm based in the United Kingdom, I'm really interested in PISCES, the British equivalent of Delta Green in the setting. There's a ...
Wibbs's user avatar
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How would I classify SAN loss due to Chemically-Induced Fear in Delta Green?

As a relatively-new GM, I've been looking through the Delta Green Agent's Handbook (the new system, not the CoC system), though I unfortunately don't own the Handler's Guide, and I've decided to ...
SeraphsWrath's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Which Delta Green books do I need to get started?

Following on from Which Call of Cthulhu books do I need to get started?, I would also like to get into Delta Green. Similar questions, then: How useful will the core book be on its own? Are any ...
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