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Which of the available options for downtime from XGtE would give the most money after one week?

In the "Downtime Revisited" section of Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pages 123-134, it gives you various suggestions with what to do with a week of downtime. My character is being given a ...
NathanS's user avatar
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4 votes
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Do the rules for the "Buying a Magic Item" downtime activity allow a character an opportunity to purchase the item later?

I'm DMing using the "Buying a Magic Item" downtime activity rules in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p. 126). Are any rules (or suggested approaches) to allowing my players to purchase one of their ...
DL_Silva's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Which downtime activities cover lifestyle expenses?

I am puzzled by the interaction between Lifestyle and Downtime Activities, particularly as to lifestyle expenses. One of the downtime options presented in the Player's Handbook, p. 187, is ...
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