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How do you determine specifications of scrolls/potions in prewritten adventures?

I'm currently GMing the Hell's Rebels campaign as my first dive into the system. I'm currently unsure how scrolls and potions found in the adventure have to be specified. The source material does ...
Alrik's user avatar
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Is it possible to reduce the cost of brewing potions?

The cost of brewing a potion is 25 \$\times\$ caster level \$\times\$ spell level. Is it somehow possible to reduce this cost by collecting rare herbs or in some other way?
Momonga-sama's user avatar
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Can someone explain why brewing low level potions at higher levels is so costly?

Can someone explain why brewing low level potions at higher levels is so costly rules wise? I get the math part. Potion Brewing cost = 25 × spell level (0-3rd) × level of the caster as stated in ...
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar