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Questions tagged [sagas-of-the-icelanders]

Sagas of the Icelanders is a Viking age game based on the Apocalypse World system. The setting draws on the Icelandic sagas written about the families settling the island since 874, and focuses on the social tensions, drama and conflict between the characters.

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8 votes
1 answer

Sagas of the Icelanders in a short one-shot

I am considering running a short one-session game of Sagas of the Icelanders in the near future. I am aware of some good ideas to kickstart a session of that game, like the Juicy GM tidbits or the One-...
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10 votes
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Relationships targeted by moves, for advancement

The advancement/experience move in Sagas of the Icelanders is written as follows. When one of your moves targets a character that you have a relationship with, mark that relationship. When you ...
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