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Guidance on Learning to GM Star Trek Adventures

I have been GMing DnD5e for almost two years now and have two consistent groups ongoing. As a Christmas gift, I will be running a game using the Star Trek Adventures game system for someone.

I have the rulebook, have begun reading it, and suspect that this question will be closed for being too broad: what notable differences from DnD5e should I pay attention to so I can most effectively learn and teach this new system? For your information, only one of my potential players has played a roleplaying game in the last 25 years, as she is in one of my 5e groups.

This question is less about the success/failure system inherent to the roles, but more specifically about how the 'scenes' are set up, how the characters are intended to act, and the types of challenges that ought to be presented, but all answers providing important details that I must adapt to are relevant.

Thank you!

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