Mutants and Masterminds has a "running leap" that's generally twice the distance of a "standing leap". The question I've had is, what does one need to do to take advantage of it? Does one having to take a Move action right before that, possibly in the prior turn? Is the run-up considered part of the leaping distance? How much distance is necessary? This might seem trivial, or something better suited to a Rule 0 ruling of "whatever is most fun", but it keeps showing up in games, and when distance is doubled by a run-up, it can make a huge difference whether a person uses their entire turn to run 5 feet to the edge and jump 16 feet or can simply say "my running jump is 24 feet, so I can do this as a Move action, right? And then use a Standard to disarm the blackguard on the other side?"
Probably, the easiest thing to do is to use the descriptor in other d20 games such as D&D and Pathfinder, as mentioned in the answers below. I'm debating just deleting this question, but there's a chance that someone has an official reference on how to handle this. If not, I'm also willing to accept suggestions on how the other d20 systems handle it.