The Mistborn Adventure Game is an RPG based on Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series of novels on Scadrial throughout its various eras. It does not include the greater Cosmere universe.
The Mistborn Adventure Game is an RPG based on Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series of novels on Scadrial throughout its various eras. It does not include the greater Cosmere universe.
Crafty Games creates and develops The Mistborn Adventure Game. They have also released several supplementary rule books. The Mistborn Adventure Game focuses on rules-light and strong storytelling and player character development, using a partially theatrical approach.
The core mechanics of the theatrical approach are "Props", "Extras," and "Setbacks."
"Props" are items. Main antagonists are "named" characters with separate combat rules from enemies without names, so-called "Extras." "Setbacks" are a gameplay mechanic that allows player characters to gain character progression more quickly if they suffer, often, traumatic setbacks and survive. Player characters may also be temporarily or even permanently adversely affected by the experience. Setbacks encourage a classic theatric storytelling narrative.