Our group is new to Fate, but experienced in other forms of RPGs (from pen and paper to LARP). Fate is a new concept for all of us and has a very different style from what we're used to.
The problem
When there's a conflict, usually theymy players simply go for attack (and defend) actions. They seem not to value the other two kinds of actions available (overcome and create an advantage. This may be due to my poor skills as GM, because I haven't stressed enough what they are, how they can be used and why they should forgo an attack to do something else.
What I've tried
Sometimes (even if rarely) NPCs try to create advantages, to show them that themy players that characters can get bonuses without spending Fate points.
I've rememberedreminded them before, during and after the game, that they can try to produce bonuses (or remove enemy bonuses on them) with these actions, but they seem notdon't really seem receptive.
Any suggestion, both in-game and offout-of-game, is welcome.
I'm looking for suggestions from both a GM and a PCplayer point of view, if possible.