I was wondering whether brass knuckle can be combined with the brawler and martial artist edges from the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition.
Both edges imply in their description, that they are meant to be used without any weapon. However the item description of the brass knuckles states, that someone using them counts as an "unarmed attacker". So the RAW is not clear here and seems somewhat contradictory.
Firstly, would using brass knuckles with these edges be against RAW?
Secondly, if unclear or prohibited by RAW, how would allowing their use in our game affect game balance?
Note that I am using a setting where a unarmed fighter can get an additional +2 damage to unarmed attacks via cyberware. So someone could get the following damage calculation if they fully commit to unarmed combat:
Str + d4 (knuckles) + 4 (cyberware and brawler edge) + extra dice from raise and martial artist.