The local wizard lives in his wizard tower, which is located just outside the city walls. He sends the low-level adventuring party into the city to uncover some crucial information. He himself is not welcome in the city, due to some misunderstandings. Said wizard wants to be informed about the party’s success as soon as possible, but none of the party members is able to cast message (or other spells that could be used to send some kind of message).
Would the following plan work: The wizard casts tiny servant on his favourite spoon and commands it to return to the wizard’s tower as quickly as possible. The party puts the spoony messenger into a bag of holding and goes on to investigate. After the mysteries are uncovered, the party releases the spoon with a message tied to it, all within the spell’s duration.
Would the spoon return to the wizard’s tower?
The command was issued by the wizard while being within 120 feet of the spoon. And the spoon should continue to follow its orders until its task is complete.