In 2008, Christopher Perkins ran an adventure with four players, named "Penny Arcade and the Tower of Storms". The adventure was recorded as season 2 of the Penny Arcade podcasts, and in the following year made into a published adventure under the name Storm Tower.
The prequel to this, however - season one, featuring Jim Darkmagic, Binwin Bronzebottom, and Omin as Acquisitions Incoporated - was an adventure for three players. According to the author's notes in Storm Tower, it was an abridged version of the Keep on the Shadowfell adventure. By "abridged", they mean it was heavily modified and streamlined.
Was the prequel adventure ever made available in some form where I could pick it up and run it for my players?
As a side note: I'm keen on the three-player adventure because I have three players, not four, and don't have the experience necessary to confidently retune the four-player campaign for three players.